Become an HPN Member

You need to be a Health Professions Network member to access our members-only resources.

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Join the Network

Use the form below to join the Health Professions Network and get immediate access to HPN's members-only content. Online payment represents your dues investment for one year of membership. Learn more about how HPN membership can benefit you by clicking here.

Full Organizational Membership - Our full members are membership organizations representing clinical health professionals. Organizational membership includes full membership benefits for multiple individual representatives of your organization.

Affiliate/School Organizational Membership - HPN's members also include a number of school programs in clinical health professions and other organizations catering to professionals with an interest in the health care workforce. Organizational membership includes full membership benefits for multiple individual representatives of your organization.

Individual Membership - The Health Professions Network welcomes individuals to join this unique network. Whether you're mission-focused and want to participate in HPN initiatives or interested in unique networking and learning opportunities, HPN is perfect for you!

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Checkout Options
$300 USD / Full Organizational Membership in HPN (Association/Credentialing Body/Accreditor)
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